What type of Hair Extensions do celebrities use?
Love them or hate them, celebrities do know how to look great. One of their secret weapons is hair extensions - but not just any. Let’s take a closer look at what type of hair extensions different celebrities use and what extension methods they prefer.
WHAT TYPE OF HAIR EXTENSIONS DO CELEBRITIES PREFER?If we’re talking about the most common celebrity choice hair extensions, it’s usually human hair extensions - and for a number of good reasons:
- Lightweight and really comfortable to wear (unlike synthetic hair extensions)
- Soft, gentle, and silky texture - they look and feel “real” because they are, in fact, real human hair extensions
- Soft, natural shine that’s impossible to imitate. Synthetic hair extensions are usually way too glossy - especially under those flashing lights paparazzi’s cameras.
- Human hair extensions can be dyed any color you like, which is what celebrities often want and need.
- You can style human hair extensions any way you like - even using a hot iron, which is strictly forbidden for synthetic hair extensions.
Here are the top-3 most popular kinds of hair extensions preferred by celebrities:
- Celebrity clip-in hair extensions - a great choice for both everyday use and special occasions! Clip-ins are so popular among celebrities simply because this type of hair extensions is really easy to use - attaching/removing them takes only a few minutes and does not require going to a hair salon. You just clip them in and - voila - meet the new you!
Hand-tied wefts. The sew-in method is widely used and praised by celebrities - mainly, due to the fact that it allows hair extensions to blend in with your natural hair perfectly creating a seamless look. Why hand-tied? Because machine wefts are not nearly as delicate and soft as their hand-tied counterparts. Plus, hand-tied wefts can be tailor-made to meet the individual requirements of a particular client.
Hot fusion hair extensions. Another type of hair extensions that’s popular among celebrities. Here, individual strands are attached to your natural hair via keratin bonds - a procedure that may take a few hours but the end result is always worth it.
Which type is the easiest to apply? Well, it has to be clip-ins. Celebrities have them installed just minutes before an important event and removed shortly after - but in reality, you can easily do it yourself without anyone’s help.
As for keratin bonds or sew-in hand-tied wefts, a typical celebrity would have to spend anywhere from 3 to 4 hours in a beauty salon to get them installed properly.
If you are looking for something in between, celebrity tape-in hair extensions are another great way to radically change your look and not spend too much time. Installing tape in hair extensions usually takes slightly less than an hour. However, not many celebrities go with this type of hair extensions since it could be visible, especially when they’re in the spotlight.
CELEBRITIES THAT WEAR HAIR EXTENSIONSWearing hair extensions is much more common among celebrities than you think - especially if you consider the fact that not all of them can boast good-looking, voluminous natural hair. Plus, hair extensions are easy to apply and safe to use - what more can a celebrity want?
Here are the top-10 celebrities that wear hair extensions:
1.- Jennifer Lopez owes much of her chic styling to the skillful work of hair beauty professionals who use human hair extensions to transform her look.
2.- Rihanna used to change up her image a lot back in the day. She could easily go from ultra-short haircuts to long luxurious curls, alternating between acid colors and natural shades. Rumor has it that this experimentation left a negative impact on the singer’s natural hair, which is why Rihanna now prefers to wear long, extended curls or wigs.
3.- Zendaya. In addition to being a popular actress, Zendaya is also known for her love of experimentation. Recently, the actress got herself an ultra-short bob cut but then quickly got tired of it and switched back to long curls again. Oh, do we know her secret - it’s all hair extensions!
4.- Pamela Anderson. Even after all these years, Pamela is still true to her sexy blonde look. However, as time passed, her natural hair has thinned from constant bleaching, which is why now the actress prefers fusion extensions.
5.- Lindsay Lohan was also unfortunate to ruin her natural hair with frequent dyeing. Now, she has to compensate for this with extensions that make her hair look thicker and healthier.
6.- Paris Hilton was never shy about the fact that she used hair extensions all the time. In fact, her passion for hair extensions earned the nickname "The Hair Extension Queen."
7.- Britney Spears is another celebrity that just loves voluminous, lush styling achieved through extended hair strands.
8.- Victoria Beckham owes much of her stylish look to Russian hair extensions, as she admitted in one of her interviews.
9.- Hailey Baldwin (Bieber) is often described as “too perfect” - and that includes her hair as well. While healthy diets and an active lifestyle help her to stay fit, hair extensions complement her look perfectly.
No celebrity talk is imaginable without mentioning the Kardashians, and the fact that Kim, Khloé, and their younger sister Kylie Jenner use hair extensions should come as no surprise.
In fact, Khloé Kardashian admitted to having been using hair extensions for more than 15 years! Her sister Kim Kardashian also changes her hair length and color quite often. Kim’s natural hair is slightly above the shoulders and to extend it, she uses a variety of human hair extensions often experimenting with different extension methods. Oh, and she’s also known to wear wigs from time to time.
Kylie Jenner is not too far behind. Although she mostly prefers to have a bob cut, Kylie also doesn’t mind wearing hair extensions for special occasions.
It’s always interesting to see celebrity hair extensions before and after. Here’s a list of celebrities who are not afraid to admit to wearing hair extensions:
Ariana Grande loves tying her hair in a long ponytail. Even though it looks real, the singer/actress admits that her natural hair was ruined during the filming of the TV show "Sam & Cat". Ariana's natural hair is only about shoulder-length.
Selena Gomez admitted in one of her interviews that a big part of her luxurious styling is hair extensions. Selena's natural hair is slightly below the shoulders.
Chrissy Teigen even once posted a photo on her Instagram during a hair extension procedure jokingly admitting she didn’t really have a lot of her natural hair left.
Nicki Minaj’s natural hair is long and voluminous enough on its own. Still, the singer is no stranger to experiments with hair color and length so she often wears wigs or extended strands to achieve an even more spectacular look.
Chloë Moretz is also quite open with her fans about using hair extensions. The actress says that she does not look the same in everyday life as on the red carpet - and that includes her hair styling as well.